As conscientious consumers we must work hard to educate ourselves on the products that we choose to purchase. The issues surrounding certain unsustainable production processes are rarely black and white. This could not be truer than it is with the production practices used to cultivate palm oil.  This site and our associated blog: EcoMerge are designed to help you form your own educated opinion regarding the production and consumption of palm oil products in your home.


            Eco-merge is an informative project created by students at Portland State University. The ongoing eco-merge mission statement says:

          Our commitment in this Portland State University ongoing capstone project is to explore the intersects between economical and ecological systems and inform the reader, four times a year, on different major topical themes. Each separate topic is represented by a unique website. This blog will continuously represent the topic currently under development, and four times a year the topic at hand will be represented with a website. That website URL will be published here, and added to the growing list of partner sites.

        Additionally, the mission of the 2011 spring quarter eco-merge project is to:

Increase awareness, inspire action, and provide reputable information sources that support sustainable palm oil practices to the public.